
Average score 166 Reviews
Cécile Chopinet noted on Google

Nous avons passé une très bonne soirée en groupe (7 personnes). Bien accueillis à l'étage, viande de très bonne qualité, prix raisonnables. C'est vraiment une bonne adresse dans le quartier très fréquenté du Marais. (Translated by Google) We had a very good evening as a group (7 people). Well received upstairs, very good quality meat, reasonable prices. It's really a good address in the busy Marais district.

1 month ago
Clémence Thinon noted on Google

2 months ago
Adéwolé Faladé noted on Google

2 months ago
Nasarre Nicolas noted on Google

Restaurant coréen très sympathique, offrant un barbecue de très bonne facture et des bimbimbap très corrects. (Translated by Google) Very friendly Korean restaurant, offering very good barbecue and very decent bimbimbap.

2 months ago
Alexandra Kialanda BENI noted on Google

Excellent !!! Très bonne cuisine les viandes sont très bien assaisonner ! Service très rapide et accueil chaleureux (Translated by Google) Excellent !!! Very good cooking, the meats are very well seasoned! Very fast service and warm welcome

2 months ago
Sara TAIRI noted on Google

I had my birthday there and it was great. The staff is amazing!

2 months ago
Véronique Hiebel noted on Google

Y aller pour une viande sur barbecue, à faire entre amis. Service moyen mais correct. Prix un peu élevés. (Translated by Google) Go there for barbecue meat, to do with friends. Average service but ok. Prices a little high.

2 months ago
Vinh Kieu noted on Google

2 months ago
Hyper Inkers noted on Google

A food this place is super amazing, our team come by yesterday and i can't forget to leave a review

2 months ago
Nicolas SILETTO noted on Google

2 months ago

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20 Rue de la Verrerie
75004 Paris, France

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